Consultant Orthodontics
1. Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Baghdad, Irak
2. Master of Dental Science, Dundee, UK
3. Fachzahnarzt in Orthodontics, Diplomate of the German Board of Orthodontics, Germany
1. German License as Orthodontist since 1996
2. HAAD (Abu Dhabi Health Authority) since 2002
1. Several years as an Orthodontist in Germany since 1991
2. From 2002 until 2019 at Al Ain Dental Center (previously Tawam Dental Center)
3. Head of the Orthodontic Department
4. License Examiner for Orthodontics in HAAD
1. Adult Orthodontics including preparation for Orthognathic surgery
2. Fixed and Removable Orthodontics
3. Fixed Functional Orthodontics
4. Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs)
5. Digital Radiography, CBCT, 3D
6. Organizational and Leadership skills